

Profile of cognitive abilities in spinal muscular atrophy type II and III: what is the role of motor impairment?

Virtual reality rehabilitation program on executive functions of children with specific learning disorders: a pilot study

Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory (BAMBI): Italian Translation and Validation

Insights on action observation and imitation abilities in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and typically developing children

Development and Pilot Study of a Pediatric Screening for Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Infants and Children: The Pediatric Screening-Priority Evaluation Dysphagia (PS-PED)

A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study of Intellectual Function in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy over Age: Is It Really Stable?

Validation of the Italian version of the clinician affective reactivity index (CL-ARI)

Rehabilitation in children and adolescents undergoing stem cell transplantation: A pilot study focused on motor performance

The development of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Child and Youth (ICF-CY) Core Sets: a systematic review

Sensory Profile of Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Tip-Toe Behavior: Results of an Observational Pilot Study

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