Raggruppamento Primario: Disturbi del Neurosviluppo



A randomized clinical trial in preterm infants on the effects of a home-based early intervention with the ‘CareToy System’.

Bilateral Patterns of Repetitive Movements in 6- to 12-Month-Old Infants with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Motor coordination impairment in children with autism spectrum disorder: a pilot study using Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 Checklist

Early psychomotor development of low-risk preterm infants: Influence of gestational age and gender

CareToy: Stimulation and Assessment of Preterm Infant’s Activity Using a Novel Sensorized System

Sensorized toys for measuring manipulation capabilities of infants at home

Manual function outcome measures in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD): Systematic review

Anxiety and Depression in Children With Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, Reading Disabilities, or Typical Development

Motor imagery in Asperger syndrome: testing action simulation by the hand laterality task

Mathematical difficulties in nonverbal learning disability or co-morbid dyscalculia and dyslexia

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