Raggruppamento Primario: Disturbi del Neurosviluppo



Staff Perceptions of Family-Centered Care in Italian Neonatal Intensive Care Units: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study

Early Neuro-Psychomotor Therapy Intervention for Theory of Mind and Emotion Recognition in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Pilot Study

Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children: Italian Validation in Autism Spectrum Disorder Population

New Technological Approach for the Evaluation of Postural Control Abilities in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

Personalized Training via Serious Game to Improve Daily Living Skills in Pediatric Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Behavioral gender differences across Pre-School Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: a cross-sectional study

Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination in low-risk infants born very preterm: a longitudinal prospective study

Behavioural Differences in Sensorimotor Profiles: A Comparison of Preschool-Aged Children with Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorders

Is it hyperlexia? Toward a deeper understanding of precocious reading skills in two cases of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Sleep behavior of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder during the Covid-19 pandemic: A Parent survey

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