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29° World Congress of the IALP – International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics – August 25-29, 2013 – Torino




WELCOME ADDRESS – It is a privilege, an honor and a tremendous pleasure to have been chosen to organize the 29th International Congress of the IALP.

IALP is the oldest organization representing persons involved with scientific, educational and professional issues related to communication, language, voice, speech, hearing and swallowing disorders and sciences in children and adults. IALP was founded in Vienna, Austria, by Emil Froeschels, in 1924. Our members are in more than 55 countries around the world. IALP holds its scientific congresses every three years. It is the first time that the IALP Congress is coming to Torino, in a vibrant city with a great history, and many places of interest.

The SIFEL, the Italian Society of Phoniatrics and Logopedics, is very happy to invite you to Torino, the first capital of Italy in 1861, the last days of August 2013. It is the second time (after Padua in 1962) that we have had an IALP Congress organized in Italy, where an old tradition of communicology was carried out by Renato Segre, Giuseppe Bellussi and Lucio Croatto and where Deglutology has had a major development.

Torino, as a location for the congress, offers many attractions (e.g. the Egyptian Museum, the second in the world, the Royal Castles and especially the Venaria Reale, called the Italian Versailles, the National Automobile Museum, and the Movies Museum in the Mole Antonelliana, which is shown in the first page of this announcement).

We hope you will join us for an updated scientific program on all aspects of communication and swallowing (including swallowing chocolate of Torino). We wait cordially and we will be very proud to welcome you to Torino 2013.

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