Autori: Vento G



Assessment of early attention in an Italian cohort of preschooler preterm children using the Early Childhood Attention Battery

Can the CHOP-INTEND be used as An Outcome Measure in the First Months of Age? Implications for Clinical Trials and Real World Data

Response to the comment on: “neurological development and iron supplementation in healthy late-preterm neonates: a randomized double-blind controlled trial”

Assessing floppy infants: a new module

Neurological assessment of newborns with spinal muscular atrophy identified through neonatal screening

Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination in low-risk infants born very preterm: a longitudinal prospective study

Early Neurological Assessment in Infants with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Treated with Therapeutic Hypothermia

Joint Laxity in Preschool Children Born Preterm

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