Autori: Rolle E*



Gain and loss of upper limb abilities in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients: A 24-month study

Longitudinal Analysis of PUL 2.0 Domains in Ambulant and Non-Ambulant Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients: How do they Change in Relation to Functional Ability?

Functional outcome measures in young, steroid-naive boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Technology outcome measures in neuromuscular disorders: A systematic review

Assessing Cognitive Function in Neuromuscular Diseases: A Pilot Study in a Sample of Children and Adolescents

Intrathecal administration of nusinersen in adult and adolescent patients with spinal muscular atrophy and scoliosis: Transforaminal versus conventional approach

Functional assessment tools in children with Pompe disease: A pilot comparative study to identify suitable outcome measures for the standard of care

Upper limb function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: 24 month longitudinal data

Timed Rise from Floor as a Predictor of Disease Progression in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: An Observational Study

The 6 minute walk test and performance of upper limb in ambulant duchenne muscular dystrophy boys

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