Autori: Coratti G*



Disease Trajectories in the Revised Hammersmith Scale in a Cohort of Untreated Patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy types 2 and 3

Early neurological signs in infants identified through neonatal screening for SMA: do they predict outcome?

Therapeutic Role of Nusinersen on Respiratory Progression in Pediatric Patients With Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 and Nonambulant Type 3

Changes in abilities over the initial 12 months of nusinersen treatment for type II SMA.

Effectiveness of Nusinersen in Adolescents and Adults with Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Upper limb function changes over 12 months in untreated SMA II and III individuals: an item-level analysis using the Revised Upper Limb Module

Assessment of early attention in an Italian cohort of preschooler preterm children using the Early Childhood Attention Battery

High Expression of SMN circ4-2b-3 in SMA I Children Treated with Nusinersen is Associated with Improved Motor Outcomes

Prevalence of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in Italy: a nationwide survey

Italian survey on evolving SMA care with disease-modifying therapies: a consensus workshop on nutrition, swallowing, respiratory and rehabilitation care

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